Stacker Crane+Conveyor System
Cladding rack supported warehouse ASRS system
ASRS is the short of automated storage and retrieval system. It is also called Stacker Crane Racking system which is an efficient and fully automated storage and retrieval system. With narrow aisles and heights of more than 30 metres, this solution offers efficient, high density storage for a large variety of pallets.
ASRS Automated Storage and Retrieval System Rack
Automated storage and retrieval systems is always know as AS/RS or ASRS systems. The automatic storage system including the controlled software, computers, and stacker cranes, handling equipment,conveyor system, storing system, WMS/WCS and retrieving system in a warehouse. Taking full advantage of limited land, ASRS system increases the space utilization as a main purpose.The utility rate of ASRS system is 2-5 times of the normal warehouses.
ASRS Crane system for Pallets
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems is also known as AS/RS offers high density pallet loading, maximizing vertical space in the complete operation system where the system moves in very narrow places and in high quality orders. Each AS/RS Unit Load system is designed to your pallet or other large containerized load’s shape, and size.
ASRS with stacker crane & conveyor system for heavy load goods
ASRS pallet stacker cranes & conveyor system are a perfect solution for large qty of goods on the pallets. And ASRS system provide the real time inventory data for warehouse management and also inventory inspection for storage. In the warehouse, the use of ASRS increases the working efficiency, saves the warehouse space and reduces the invest cost for warehouse.