Automated miniload AS/RS warehouse solution
Product Introduction
Miniload AS/RS is another type of automatic racking solution, which is computer-controlled systems for storing and retrieving products in a warehouse or distribution center. AS/RS Systems require virtually no manual labor and are engineered to be completely automated. Mini-Load AS/RS systems are smaller systems and typically allow selection of items in totes, trays, or cartons.

Features of Miniload AS/RS
This type mini load AS/RS system owns the good features that include as follows:
● Warehouse Inventory is secure and increase the operation safety.
● Be gentle handling to the products in the warehouse
● Smaller storage footprint and maximizing the warehouse vertical space
● Miniload AS/RS can be used in the different types of warehouse
Benefits of Miniload AS/RS
Mini-Load AS/RS is a very automatic warehouse racking system that can offer many operational, security, and productivity benefit for warehouse management.
● Miniload ASRS can save up at least 85% warehouse space and utilize the warehouse
● With the use of miniload, warehouse can replace the forklifts , operators and other material handling equipment
● Warehouse can achieve the FIFO , LIFO JIT and etc.
● Miniload can save the labor cost and reduce by up to 2/3
● Improve the warehouse inventory control
● Miniload asrs can improve the picking accuracy to 99% at least.

Application of miniload AS/RS
Mini-Load AS/RS can be applied in manufacturing and distribution environments and many industries and situations.
● Manufacturing – WIP buffer system with lot control and JIT delivery
● Distribution – Order sequencing outbound totes for reverse stop delivery
● Reduce handling for the slow-moving items. Slow moving inventory received into the AS/RS and never touched again until it becomes an order
● Residual case or tote – partially consumed product can be automatically recirculated back the Mini-Load AS/RS system for storage

Why Work with Ouman Storage
Ouman Storage, as an independent systems manufacturer and provider, and we have strong technical engineer team to provide the best Mini-Load technology to the application. We can provide the best solution to meet every customer’s unique needs and requirements. And we also have many successful project cases in the domestic market and oversea market.